
どこよりも効率よく稼げる店を目指してます!コンセプトがシッカリしているからお客様は間違いなくます 当店はなによりも「稼げる」という事に重点をおいてます。女の子を責任をもって稼がせます!女性ありきの風俗です。



  • I want to compete with one content of customs
  • I want to work by making the most of my personality
  • 喋るのが苦手でキャバクラではちょっと…
  • 風俗初めてでどうしたらいいかわからない
  • Customs is a temporary dream I want to make money without thinking too much
  • 容姿は自信があるけどコミュニケーションをとるのが苦手
  • 見た目はあまり自信ないけど頑張る気持ちは誰よりある

Women in any situation are attractive in that situation.
The store can make the most of it and earn money!

Our shop will focus on gentlemen with modest money as the main customers. There is no doubt that you can earn more efficiently than anywhere else.


By giving back to women as much as possible, many good women will be enrolled.

We are confident that it will ultimately be the best form of growth for the store! !!

We will fully back up any woman so that she can make the most of her charm and earn money!


急募 ドライバー大募集!